
Welcome to the Dominus regnavit blog.

This project is a user-supported endeavor to provide daily recordings of the traditional Divine Office in its Roman secular form, according to the order of the Roman Breviary of 1962, and sung with its chant as found in Pope St. Pius X’s “Vatican Edition” of the Antiphonale Romanum, marked with rhythmic signs by the monks of Solesmes.

This is the Extraordinary Form of the office, which Pope Benedict XVI gave to us anew with the document Summorum Pontificum.

At present, we are posting Lauds daily. Listen to the latest postings below, or see the menu-header for more information.

Thank you for visiting and supporting this project!

In Purificatione Beatae Mariae Virginis Ad Laudes

Today’s recording is a re-post.

AR 577 — Festal / Sunday psalms
AR 620 — Proper for Candlemas, February 2nd
AR [122] — the Hymn “O gloriosa Virginum”
AR 1* — Vs. Deus in adjutorium
AR 60* — Vs. Benedicamus Domino

For the text only, but with a translation, click HERE.

To access today’s recording, click HERE.

De VII. die infra octavam Nativitatis Ad Laudes

Note: today’s recording is a re-post.

AR 577 — Festal / Sunday psalms
AR 264 — Antiphons from Christmas Day
AR 292 — Proper for Dec. 31st
AR 577-15 — Ant. & Vs. for the Commemoration
AR 1* — Vs. Deus in adjutorium
AR 60* — Vs. Benedicamus Domino

For the text only, but with a translation, click HERE.

To access today’s recording, click HERE.

Note: there is a commemoration of St. Silvester, Pope and Confessor.